Monday, August 16, 2010

MINDING MY MEDS (Conclusion)

I had my appointment with the doctor today. He couldn't find, or think of, any reason why I've had this negative drug interaction.  So, he's done the best he can do.

The only possibility is that there is something else going on in me, of which neither not I is aware. It would be, in doctorese, "an additional underlying condition."

Or maybe its simply my body, which has something just a little different from usual, and is giving me problems. (You, of course, already know that Bear is "a little different from usual," and will nod your head, knowingly, at the comment.)

So, back to my previous combinations of medicines. We'll see how that works out, in a day or two.

In the meantime, thanks for your expressions of concern and support.

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Nancy, in her Life in the Second Half, has raised some interesting issues about medications. I encourage you to take a look.